5 Workplace Security Tips
The Importance of Security in the Workplace
We all know that security is a must in business, but we don’t often think about why we put workplace security measures at the heart of what we do. Some of the main reasons to focus on security in the workplace include:
Employee Safety
When somebody breaks into your business, there is the possibility of harm. That isn’t only to company property but extends to your employees. Intruders can be unpredictable when caught, leading to the risk of violence on the premises. Better security that prevents people from breaching the building in the first place prevents this risk from ever coming to pass.
Prevent Theft & Vandalism
People stealing stock can have a major financial impact on a business. You lose potentially thousands of pounds of goods, with vandalism and damage equally hitting your ability to sell products to customers. Effective and visible security acts as a deterrent that prevents theft and vandalism from taking place before a criminal even acts.
Protect Assets
The most valuable things a company has on-site include its productive assets, such as computers and large machinery. By protecting these assets, companies ensure that they are able to keep working productively, generating revenue thanks to the security strategies that the company has developed to keep criminals out of the property.
Install a Comprehensive CCTV System
The first step that a company can take when protecting its premises is installing a comprehensive CCTV system. Having a CCTV system is a visible deterrent that can stop people from attempting to break in in the first place, whilst also acting as a tool to investigate what happened if an incident does occur. Try to cover every inch of the property with CCTV, as the more the system can see, the lower the risk of someone doing harm to the business and getting away with it.
Intruder Alarms to Prevent Break Ins
A break-in is a serious issue for companies to deal with. An intruder alarm is a loud device that sets off when somebody enters a building without permission, and when used properly can force people to leave the building through fear of consequences alone. It is simple but effective, especially when you can react to your alarm quickly.
Secure Areas with Access Control
Access control is a growing technology across the security world. Using RFID tags or access chips, employees can scan themselves into and out of parts of a building to which they have specifically been granted access. This is an essential tool in a lot of businesses, cutting down on the risk of people inside the company causing issues with unauthorised access to sensitive areas as well as blocking outsiders.
Employee Training & Awareness
Employee training is a fundamental part of running a company effectively. One of the biggest risks to any company’s security, including its IT infrastructure, physical premises and long-term security is human error. By doing rigorous training exercises and emphasising the importance of security in the workplace, you can easily limit the dangers of human error cutting your company’s space right open. Members of staff often have good intentions, they just need to know the right thing to do.
Regularly Review Your Security Procedures
No matter what security procedures you put in place, there is always a degree of risk. Some companies have security that is far too tight and forces employees to find a workaround, whereas others are too lax and have holes in them for criminals to exploit. By constantly revisiting your procedures and building on their weaknesses, you have an evolving layer of security that grows alongside your needs, keeping everyone in your business safe and secure.
If you’re looking to improve the security of your building, get in touch with a member of our Britannia Fire & Security team today. We offer a range of security services designed to safeguard your property and its occupants.